Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Clash of clans defence

I love video games. Here is information about Clash of Clan 7 defences.
        1.   You can make a canyon  to damage attackers.
       2.   You can make an archer tower to damage air attacks.
      3.   You can make a mortar to do splash damage.
      4.  You can make an air defence to damage air attackers.
      5.  You can make a whizzer tower to damage air and to do splash damage.
      6.   You can make a king bed to damage attackers and attack people.
       7.  You can make a queen bed to damage attackers and attack people.

Image result for clash of clans


  1. Dear Ethan, From Camden

    I love that you wrote about Clash of Clans. I couldn't get it so my favorite game is Smashy Road Wanted. If you want it search Smashy road wanted and it should pop up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Ethan,
    I like how you gave people ways to beat that video game Omar wants me to get it but I can't sadly.

    1. Dear jordan,

      you can't beat the game it is endless but the defense help defend your town hall.

    2. Dear jordan,

      you can't beat the game it is endless but the defense help defend your town hall.

  4. Dear Ethan,
    I love clash of clans I have town hall lvl 6 and my athar favorite video game is my singing monsters and it's really fun. Whats your favorite video game besides clash of clans?

  5. I love clash of clans to I am level 6 town hall my dad william meg and mum play it what level are you? dad is a level 9 town hall dad is the highs town hall out of as 5 Ryan F CLASH OF THE CLANS is a GAME

    1. Dear jo stanway.

      my town hall is level 7.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dear Ethan, I really liked your picture of the game and how you numbered all of the things. I never heard of that game.
    Your friend,

  7. Dear Ethan,
    I also play clash of clans. how you wrote the king bed/queen bed really made me laugh. Try saying pad instead.Try playing clash royale it is also pretty fun. it is also made by supercell.

    1. Dear anonymous

      I play clash of royale yesterday I got to arena 2. what arena are you in.

  8. Dear Ethan,

    I like your gaming taste and I think you could make gaming videos about the games you posted. That's how good they are!
